100% Organic Cotton, 100% of the Time

Goal Achieved: 100% of the cotton we use is certified organic!

Nothing feels better than organic cotton - it's soft, it breathes and it feels just as good on your conscience as it does on your skin. We've been incorporating organic cotton into our fabrics for years, each season replacing more conventional cotton with organic. So it's with our re-usable cups held high that we cheers to achieving our goal of
100% organic anywhere we use cotton! Although it comes from a plant, conventionally grown cotton is actually very un-natural. According to the Textile Exchange, conventional cotton crops are doused in millions of pounds of chemicals each year - chemicals found in synthetic fertilizers, soil additives and defoliants. These substances wreak havoc on soil, water, air, and all sorts of ecosystems, including human ones. That's a big price to pay for cotton. Thankfully, there's an alternative: organic cotton. Organic cotton farming does not allow the use of toxic chemicals or GMOs (genetically modified organisms). Instead, it combines tradition, innovation and science to benefit the shared environment and promote good quality of life for all involved. To ensure that we're buying organic cotton, we only buy cotton that is certified organic. We're also members of the Textile Exchange, a global non-profit organization that works to make the textile industry more sustainable by identifying best practices, so we're always in the know about the latest and greatest in textile sustainability. For more information about organic cotton, visit aboutorganiccotton.org. Shop Men's Organic Cotton Styles and Women's Organic Cotton Styles